Vortex pluralism: a new philosophical perspective
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Vernon M Neppe MD, PhD, FRCPC, FFPsych,
Director, Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute, Seattle,
Adj. Professor of Psychiatry, St Louis University,
St Louis, MO
This paper proposes a radical, new mind-body theory
involving perceiving the mind and body link dilemma
as neither being dualistic or monistic. Instead, mind
and body reflect part of a grander pluralistic design,
with a gradual process of diminishing density in infinite
dimensional vortices impacting at specific points
which are partly observer dependent interwoven with
a broader existence. Simplistically, the model of
a spinning top allows the subject to experience the
vortices at specific defined points in an N dimensional
space-time universe allowing meeting points for such
phenomena as precognition, survival after bodily death,
and mind-brain. This theory appears tenable using
natural scientific models ranging from psychology
and the unconscious to genetics, quantum physics and
relativity, astronomy , chemistry, anthropology, religion,
philosophy, sociology and biology, physiology and
anatomy. Theories pertaining to numerous concepts
and ideas such as overlaps, parallel universe and
holograms; nanosecond biology, molecular interaction,
circular motion and crystal structure; vibrations,
density and frequency; spatial gaps, observer-observed,
minuscule-macropedic differences, parallel and non-parallel
vortices; are all workable within the vortex pluralism
framework. The external unconsciousness model, temporal
lobe, helices, electrical wiring and nerves, paranormality,
survival communication, meditation, death, free-will,
psychokinesis, out-of-body experience and extrasensory
perception are also all impacted within this all encompassing
fundamental theory.
The Theory of Vortex Pluralism
Experiences in coma apparently knowing
events that happened in for example an operating room
require such radical alterations of conventional thinking
in relation to memory, for example that they shake
the entire basis for the physicalistic presupposition
as the only basis for reality. My approach therefore
had been to shift away from monism initially to a
conventional Cartesian dualism. But an interface area
such as an unpaired gland in the brain like the pineal
is rather simplistic (other unpaired glands equivalently
are the hypothalamus and pituitary and all of these
have two sides in any event). If there is an interface
area of mind and brain at that dualistic kind of level
one logical interface area may well be the temporal
lobe of the brain. How does such an interface work,
Consequently, the important component
in my theory is a shift in context not to dualism
or to three frameworks of a kind of trialism but to
go to an N- dimensional pluralism. We have three spatial
dimensions and one time dimension. Beyond that there
must be a further dimension. And beyond that a further
dimension, ultimately producing an infinite number
or N-dimensional kind of universe. In this same framework,
we explain events occurring in one reality but not
within another reality. This implies some kind of
point or existence impinging on the two (or more)
realities with a different kind of level . It seemed
to me logical to use the framework of the spinning
top as an initial parallel. The spinning top becomes
less and less dense the further from its center .
Depending on particular points it allows views of
a reality which would be different from our physicalistic
views which at a simplistic level may be centered
at the bottom point of the top (or the bottom part
of a vortex for that matter). But in reality, it may
be centered anywhere because there has to be an infinite
number of vortices all running in parallel and non-parallel
and all interfacing at a variety of different levels.
What arises therefore is a vortex pluralism implying
an infinite number of dimensions and an infinite number
of vortices interfacing like spinning tops on each
other with differences in terms of density ultimately
producing therefore a non-physical reality with points
of interface potentially and yet no points of interface
in another kind of dimensional framework depending
upon the observer's perspective.
A vortex technically is "a spiral motion
of fluid occurring within a limited area, especially
a whirling mass of water or air that sucks everything
near it towards its center." It has broader meanings,
for example, "a place or situation regarded as a drawing
into its center all that surrounds it" (example from
the American Heritage Dictionary quoting the New York
Times) as happened with so many theater actors: He
was swept up in the vortex of Hollywood. Vortex here
is used in its broadest sense as it does not imply
water, nor does it imply air, however, it does not
have a context of an N-dimensional place or situation.
It does have a context of a center being potentially
denser than surrounding areas. Furthermore, it has
a context of motion and movement and it implies some
kind of circular of ovoid as opposed to rectangular
motion. It is a useful way to perceive a philosophic
concept which is beyond our dimensional perceptions
of time and space.
We can extend this both holographically
in terms of perceiving the whole framework as a whole
and yet every part making up that whole shifting from
the miniscule to the macropedic. Yet, also, non-holographically
and more conventionally, that whole is a sum of its
parts and each one of these parts are separate integrated
parts of the whole.
To test the hypothesis of vortex pluralism,
we have to test our philosophical pluralism with all
known other human endeavors and also apply a vortex
concept. We can test this theory using a variety of
different philosophic hypotheses. For example, we
can even extend this overlap of mind and body at points
using such ideas as frequencies, vibrations and wavelengths
and the interface points that are chemical, helical,
quantum physics crashing or astronomical gravitational
kinds of levels.
Genetic code is usefully explained
by the typical helix of both DNA and RNA. There are
known points of interface, here specifically a chemical
dimensional framework in reproduction. The genetic
top could conceivably interact with other information
at another dimensional framework,. Again, we have
the framework of a helix paralleled with the vortex
and a circular kind of phenomenon.
We can extend this to sub-atomic physics
and quantum physics with enormous periods of space
emptiness in our conventional three-dimensional universe
anyway, interfacing with points - sub-atomic particles
- at a time level, all again with ovoid , occasionally
irregular, motion implying a relativity of perception
of observer which only then makes reality logical.
We can extend this to chemical structures
with the same kind of framework and the linkups of
chemical structures with the parallels of the vortexes
being linked up as well.
Astronomy is the shift from the miniscule
to the macropedic where the rules are the same shifting
from the smallest to the largest. The astronomic concept
of bodies with gravitational pulls towards each other
creates a major complex, infinite kind of ovoid or
elliptical or circular kind of situation interfacing
at every kind of level with particular points in times
where the perception of the comet hitting the earth
may be the interface of the precognitive awareness
arriving from another point or dimension on the vortex.
Curvature of time and space is fundamental to physics.
The idea therefore of vortex appears
fundamental to all scientific disciplines. There may
be tiny gaps in the vortex, the vortex might appear
parallel but there are always major overlapping areas.
We can even look at electricity, wiring and nerve
channels as being communication channel parallels
in a multi-centered kind of level. However, we have
to bear in mind that existence is predicated at all
levels of the helices which would explain the mind
and body debate. In this context, we don't even need
to talk about physical existence or life as opposed
to non-life inanimate kinds of frameworks. Each existence
has its own special quality which can only be perceived
in the N dimensional framework of a larger helical
expansion outwards implying some kind of interface
We apply the theory even in the context
of cytoplasm at a biological spore level and maybe
even in the inanimate context in the apparent non-existing
life form level , such as the stone, which is based
on our own observer framework.
We shift gear a little: We could look
at vibrational properties: space, speed, density,
size, time, even the whole framework of nanosecond
events and nanosecond biology and nanosecond space
becoming a multidimensional framework.
We can shift to the parapsychological
base and link any theory pertaining to vortex pluralism
rather easily with paranormality and with survival
after bodily death and communication after bodily
death and meditation practices and also philosophy.
Kant has stated that science is a special
case of knowledge of objectivity. In a certain kind
of way objectivity is non-existent in that the awareness
implies we are part of it, therefore interfacing the
spatio-temporal on the one side or the emotional cognitive
center of our inner and outer experience on the other.
This is even in the frameworks at the psi level of
psychometry involving inanimate traces apparently
existing in objects or events or the idea of physical
events reflected through a cyclical system - conventionally
what we are talking about as extrasensory perception
can be explained by this. Precognition becomes a rare
phenomenon because physical manifestations require
other influences and the ultimate censorship, through,
for example, the temporal lobe of the brain will distort
out influences coming from other areas of the typical
vibrating moving multi-dimensional top kind of vortex.
The top moving as it does may explain psychokinesis
particularly in its random framework. It's much easier
to perceive from the outside of the top because it's
not as dense, although this would be one theoretical
explanatory concept.
The laws of logic of vortex pluralism
hold for survival and for dematerialization. The N-dimensional
idea is less than a three-dimensional object which
is less structured than a two-dimensional which is
less structured than a one-dimensional object hence
the spinning theory.
Miracles using biblical or religious
explanations could be defined as neutral laws which
are applied actively, the potential becomes the fact
at a certain point in time and space, but that time
and space is again part of the whole inter-dimensional
One could hypothesize an extreme DNA
imbalance at time of death producing all sorts of
breakdowns of this kind of framework and yet the DNA
remains intact. One could hypothesize the link of
the biological contact of viruses on the basis of
this top as well - living in a special dimension,
inanimate in another. Nanosphere biology is linked
implying consciousness within the cytoplasm or seeing
mechanisms without the eyes.
We could take the context of unconsciousness
in a psychological context: This is always viewed
in depth psychology going from the outside to the
inside and peeling the onion peel until one has a
naked core, which we call the unconscious. To me this
is philosophically incorrect, the naked core is consciousness
and the unconscious extends outwards and we could
perceive the unconscious at a variety of different
levels ranging from initially the physical-chemical,
to consciousness, to pre-consciousness, to the biologic
non-conscious (e.g. in altered states such as sleep)
to ego, id and superego, to individual unconsciousness,
to expanded consciousness with maybe social consciousness
shifting to a cultural consciousness and a collective
unconsciousness and beyond collective unconsciousness
to a non-consciousness with some kind of ethereality
contact which transverses time and space. This puts
the framework of a variety of different dimensions
of consciousness as moving from the inside to the
outside all within the framework of non-parallel non-physical
vortices. We paradigm shift away to a non-universal
maybe even more singular kind of unconsciousness,
penetrating in and out, rotating on itself and in
itself and round itself in some kind of dynamic framework.
The more unconscious the more outward not inward.
The biological ideas of psychosomatic and somatopsychic
fit this framework as do holistic theories or individual
sense data of movements across vortices involving
altered states of consciousness with altered perceptions
and responses. Meditation practice should look outward
not inward.
How do we apply this anthropologically?
Anthropology fundamentally involves looking at transcultural
phenomena and phenomena within the framework of cultures.
This would be one system in which we could analyze
our hologram, one system in which we could analyze
our parts making up the whole, one system in which
we could analyze the various kinds of frameworks of
the collective consciousness of the individual awareness
making up the greater parts and yet the greater parts
being in some kind of way holographic.
The macrocosm reflects the microcosm
and yet the microcosm reflects the macrocosm. Such
term as psitrons, psychoanalysis, parapsychology,
astronomy, philosophy, physics and chemistry, precognition,
free will, survival, psychokinesis, out-of-body experiences
and near-death experiences all fit this framework
as does unconsciousness which has its many-different
planes: the concept is not only valid for individual
vortices but put together all have their own collective
unconscious which ultimately link with others.
The famous idea of the Platonic shadow
reflecting our shadow as being more reality than the
inside of the cave may well apply to this idea in
that we can not conceive of a world beyond three (physical)
spatial and one time dimension. The physical dimension
in this context would be the heaviest, the time dimension
may involve many different directions and may be non-linear,
maybe like gravity, and there's no reason why we ought
to be talking about a three-dimensional space either.
There's little reason used in this concept why there
should not be negative space and negative time and
so that category errors based on even retrocognition
or on the fact that consciousness or mind cannot exist
from body because there is no such existence would
be argued to be wrong. We could argue that the psychic
world involves progressively less dense shadow of
nuclear particles using the physical framework or
the system's theory based on physics or on chemistry.
We can also use any level of system based on any of
biopsychofamiliosociocultural universal kind of frameworks.
We have a parallel for molar and molecular interaction
for two or three representations of N-dimensions.
Even crystals form in a directionality kind of way
and we can perceive these as connections because they
are linked up in terms of microscopic particles involving
circular or ovoid events and in macroscopic kinds
of dimensions, planets involving crystals for example
are part of a broader circular kind of framework.
The hypothesis of vortex pluralism
is therefore conceptualized with a larger helical
expansion outwards and greater emptiness in that outward
expansion . Yet there are the parallels of the N-dimensional
rubric like spinning tops vibrating reflecting properties
conceptualized in space, speed, density and time.
Fundamental is relativism to the observer of this
multi-dimensional framework moving from the smallest
to the largest of time, space, size and density, and
nanosecond events and nanosphere biology all being
relative concepts, and of our conventional concept
of consciousness outside being wrong.
Please express your opinion, particularly
applicability in the context of your specialty.
Philosophers, physicists, psychologists,
and other scientists, please give me your
feedback on this hypothesis which I regard
as important. Please send email to vortex@pni.org.