We greatly acknowledge the IQ Nexus Journal for permission to republish the following article. We also acknowledge the Exceptional Creative Achievement Organization (ECAO.us) who hold the copyright on this article:
GENIUS AND EXCEPTIONAL INTELLIGENCE: Neppe VM: Genius and exceptional intelligence. IQNexus Journal 6: 4; 7-66, 2014.
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Exceptional Intelligence
Dr Vernon Neppe during 2008 was involved in a major theoretical and research project to measure exceptional intelligence.
By this is meant those with intelligence levels at the statistical 1 in 3000 level or above.
These IQs are very difficult to measure because at a certain point divergent intelligence becomes relevant.
Dr Neppe presented data in this regard to the International Society for Intelligence Research in Atlanta in December 2008.
The links above clarify different areas of his research. This is early work, as it attempts to pioneer several new concepts.
The key findings were as follows:
Intelligence assessment by history taking
in child prodigies with adult achievement—the SCHIQ:
A promising entirely new method of measuring exceptionally high intelligence and related new theoretical concepts
Vernon M Neppe MD, PhD, FRSSAf, DFAPA, BN&NP, DPM, MMed,
Director, Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute, Seattle, WA
(Adj Full Professor, Dept of Psychiatry, St Louis University, St Louis, MO.
www.PNI.org; psyche@PNI.org; 206 527 6289
This paper discusses two aspects: The theoretical concepts and the empirical research pertaining to child prodigies and its links with genius. The research uses a historical IQ method, the SCHIQ and pioneered the quantitation of very high intelligence in that subgroup of child prodigies who had both performed very well in all areas of intellectual endeavor as children and who also had demonstrable achievements as adults. 7 prodigies born in 7 different countries were carefully evaluated based on several case vignettes each pertaining to their child and adult performance. Three raters experienced in high IQ evaluations were used, and their overall deviation of mean IQ assessments for the 28 items was <1.0 per item. However, there was greater variance in subjects with less vignette items, profound intelligence (guesstimated >4.6 d) and in the vignettes reflecting the very young. These items were taken into account to prepare a Standardized Corrected Historical IQ (SCHIQ) score, In the 2 subjects with most vignettes, there were strong correlations with established factors for correlating very high IQ. Secondly, there was early empirical justifications of concepts such as Advanced Prodigy (all 7) and Creative Advanced Prodigy (only 1) in this sample, and the data also supported the idea of necessary new hypothesized factors, namely c factor = Creativity factor; z factor = zeal factor with motivation to completion, e factor (ego-strength), i factor (intuition), n factor (nervous system integration) and a factor (achievement, demonstrable skills) in addition to the known g and
s factors. These were incorporated into a model of Genius spelling out the mnemonic GENIUSES.
Successful creative prodigies hypothetically require the GENIUS component and true geniuses require the energetic zeal and demonstrable skills to succeed at any age. (GENIUSES).